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10.05.2007 19:14 - Целувката на шоколада
Автор: minako Категория: Забавление   
Прочетен: 86198 Коментари: 111 Гласове:

Последна промяна: 10.05.2007 21:11

Здравейте :)
Реших този път да ви покажа нещо интересно, да отговоря на някои въпроси които интересуват всички :)

Ще започна от тук...
Един от най-набедените, но пък и най-предпочитани хранителни продукти е шоколадът. Когато и да стане дума за него винаги съществуват две противополжни гледни точки.:)Едни го посочват като причина за появата на излишни килограми, а други като най-сладкото и полезно изкушение. Приписват му качествата на афродизиак, на чудодейно средство, което стимулира ума и подобрява настроението. :)
  • Може ли шоколадът да бъде причина за излишните килограми?image                                          По принцип това зависи изцяло от количеството което се консумира на ден. Ако ежедневно изяждате по 1 шоколад е неизбежно да качвате по някой друг нежелан килограм.  В едно средно голямо парче шоколад се съдържат между 300 и 400 калории. Приблизително толкова калории има в 3 банана или една кифла. Ако приемем, че общият брой необходими калории на ден е между 1500 – 2000 килокалории, то парченце шоколад, едва ли може да стане причина за стремително напълняване. В случай, че искате да отслабнете – заменете белия шоколад с черен. image
  • Наистина ли в шоколада се съдържа прекалено количество кофеин? Шоколадът винаги е набеждаван за вторият по съдържание на кофеин продукт след кафето. Само за сравнение – в едно парче шоколад има около 30 мг. кофеин, докато в чаша кафе – 180 мг.                   image       :)                                                                                                      
  • В шоколада има ли наркотични ещества?    В състава на този вкусен десерт обаче, влиза още теобромин.image Това вещество по принцип може да предизвика зависимост, подобна на тази към наркотиците. imageНо за реална опасност от пристрастяване може да се говори едва, ако в продължение на много дълго време сте консумирали по 400-500 грама шоколад на ден. Освен това в шоколада се съдържат вещества, които по своето въздействие напомнят марихуаната. Но за да се постигне същия ефект, трябва да се погълнат цели 55 дълги “пръчки” шоколад – а това не е по силите на никого.
  •    image
  • Може ли благодарение на шоколада, настрое- нието ни да се подобри?                        Не е случаен фактът, че когато ни е криво търсим именно шоколад. В него действително се съдържа онази аминокиселина,image която помага за производството на серотин или още познат като “хормон на щастието” (между другото подобни качества имат и бананите). В комбинация с други стимулиращи средства, шоколадът наистина може да ни повиши настроението.                         
  • Шоколадът афродизиак ли e?                                 image    Е, това вече е малко преувеличено! Шоколадът има способността да стумулира т.н. “център на любовта” в мозъка заради наличието на фенилетиламин и други вещества в състава си. Учените считат, че по-чувствителни към него са жените. Очевидно на мъжете освен шоколад им трябва и още нещо.    
  • Вярно ли е, че шоколадът е полезен за сърцето?                                                                                                                                                                                            imageАко е може да го лекува, то поне го предпазва от някои заболявания. Наличието на фенол в какаото намалява риска от инфаркт на миокарда. Редовната консумация на шоколад може да подобри състоянието на кръвта и да понижи вероятността от появявата на тромби. Няколко малки парченца шоколад са достатъчни да увеличат броя на клетките–антиоксиданти в кръвта и по този начин процесът н  а развитие на сърдечно-съдовите заболявания леко дасезабави.                  
  •  Шоколадът стимулира ли активността на мозъка?  image                  Захарта в състава на шоколада стимулира умствената активност. Веществата в какаото възвръщат силите и подобряват общото състояние на организма. На практика, наистина в известна степен “поумняваме” и ставаме по-съсредоточени.                                               
  •    Кой шоколад е по-полезен – белият  илии    черният?image

    Черният. В него се съдържат по-голям брой феноли, които свързват вредните свободни радикали. В състава му количеството мазнини е значително по-малко, отколкото в “светлия” (бял или млечен).  image         



        Дано да ви е        харесало :)

И за десерт... :))))


Предишен постинг

1. анонимен - Лелееееее, добре че сега не ям сл...
10.05.2007 19:56
Лелееееее, добре че сега не ям сладко:-))) Много изкусителен....постинг!
2. minako - ^_^
10.05.2007 20:00
:P Мерси :))) Ако можех щях и да ви почерпя ама... за съжаление не може хахаха
3. andreytcho - абе и шоколада писва
10.05.2007 21:12
аз вече 3-та година ям средно по един шоколад на няколко месеца. не виждам защо всички толкова говорят за тоя шоколад.......
4. minako - ^_^
10.05.2007 21:15
Някои го ползват за афродизиак хахаха
5. mmmmmmmmm - Ммммм,
11.05.2007 10:17
полезен или вреден обожавам го!:)))
Благодарение на него съм жива-малко,капризно дете,изгледано с шоколад.
Сладък ден,с много шоколад!:))))
6. minako - ^_^
11.05.2007 12:22
Хехе... мерси :P
На тебе също :))))
7. comfy - :))))
11.05.2007 12:53
Погледни тук, когато имаш време:


8. minako - ^_^
11.05.2007 13:19
Версии много :P Аз си го очлавичавач де... хахах Тръгвам за Варна, в недля ще се четем пак :P Приятен уикенд на всички... :)
9. weasell - охохохохохох
13.05.2007 22:28
как обичам шоколад......никой не може да ме обеди,че той вреди-хич не вреди,а ме прави щастлива-какво по-хубаво от това:))))))
10. minako - ^_^
13.05.2007 22:54
ХахаххаАх... Права си, друг като него няма... Всички са влюбени в него... хахахха :P
11. slavislav - Хубав, шоколадов пост ! Поздрав ...
14.05.2007 15:14
Хубав ,шоколадов пост !
Поздрав Минако !
12. fiona - Мняяям!
14.05.2007 16:56
Отивам за шоколад. Хич не ме интересува къде "ще се лепне" :) Обичам, обичам шоколад. А иначе не ям сладко много, да не кажа хич. Хмм, всъщност и сладолед обичам :))
Много вкусен пост!
13. dussy - Много вкусно мммммммм, сега отивам ...
14.05.2007 18:48
Много вкусно мммммммм , сега отивам да хапна сладолед от шоколад разбира се :Р
14. minako - ^_^
14.05.2007 20:25
Slavislav- Благодаря ти ;)Дано да ти е било сладко ;)))

fiona- Няма лошо да обичаш шоколад ::))))))) Това е парченце щастие... :)))))))) Бъди много щастлива ;P
15. minako - ^_^
14.05.2007 20:26
dussy- Искам и аззз...Ох как ми се яде мелба.... ама мързела голямо нещо, не ми се ходи до магазина хахахаха
16. deninosht - !!!:)
15.05.2007 13:35
tqjen 6tom si-
6okolad xapni...

vesel 6tom si-
o6te si vzemi...

za lubov me4tae6 li-
xi4 ne mu misli...

izqj go ti...

17. minako - ^_^
15.05.2007 21:09
deninosht- Разби ме... хахаха с това "ИЗЯШ ГО... " :D:D Поздрави и на теб ;)

az1961- Гуш и на тебе... :P Радвам се, че ти е харесала песента :P Поздрави :P
18. sigrina - [S]
17.05.2007 11:26
Ох, майчице, обожавам шоколад и всичко шоколадово... :)
Как ми се дояде, тц, тц.
Трябва сега да почерпиш по един :Ь
19. minako - ^_^
17.05.2007 15:52
Хахах... Ще ти пратя по Speedy Едно парче торта хаха
20. magrathea - Направо се шоколизирах
20.05.2007 18:22
Както се казва в една реклама. :))))
Много сладък пост!
21. minako - ^_^
20.05.2007 21:03
ХаххахаахА... Аз пък се Шоконамазах... :P Поздрави и на теб :P
22. luffchy - Ммм...вкусен пост ;)
27.05.2007 12:48
Шоколадът е едно от малкото неща, без които не мога ;) Сладък шоколадов ден =)
23. minako - ^_^
27.05.2007 21:38
:)))) Щом неможеш без шоколад значи живота ти е много сладък :)))
Благодаря ти :))) Наистина беше много сладък деня ми :P
24. luffchy - Може да се каже...
28.05.2007 22:39
че е сладък .. Е, не съвсем... но ако беше съвсем перфектен нямаше да е интересно ;-))
Радвам се, че деня ти е бил сладък ;) Пожелавам ти всички следващи да са такива
25. minako - ^_^
28.05.2007 22:57
Благодаря ти :))))
Приятна седмица ти желая :P
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I indicate actually it’s a similar shit, bright individuals recording on their own obtaining haunted by a nasty great drive, as well as for some strange cause, individuals retain viewing them. It labored thrice uninterruptedly fairly that suits you that or otherwise given it started to be one of several maximum grossing scary videos ever. To individuals that make a complaint about precisely why that they maintain generating these kinds of videos, contemplate the question about the reasons you retain having to pay money to look see it. Guess you've got little else to accomplish with a Friday evening..on the other hand digress…

PA4 could be the first sequel in the collection that's not a new prequel, and we obtain out there what went down to Angel along with your ex small nephew Hunter. This film happens 5 years as soon as the occasions within PA2. This period all around all of us follow a youthful young young lady named Alex (Kathryn Newton) which determines to file your ex everyday life with her and also your ex family. They not too long ago possess brand-new neighbours in which moved outside, after the mother becomes hospitalized for the unforeseen cause, your ex mommy decides to watch soon after your ex kid known as Robbie (Brady Allen) whilst she likes to much better. After becoming pals together with Alex’s small sibling, peculiar items commence taking place during the house. With aid from the girl very best guy/boyfriend Ben (Matthew Shivery), that they plan to video all of the task which proceeds at home. If an individual follow the previous several films, you know how are you affected up coming.

Right now yet again, let me declare that I Actually Do Adore this specific operation, i genuinely did enjoy the sequels. Nightmare, I’ll go on and claim that it’s my own guilt ridden delight of flicks i can’t assist yet view. Nonetheless, after I observed another video I pointed out that when they don’t conclusion this collection before long, next I’m afraid the movies will certainly get into Found territory and they're going to just obtain worn-out. Unfortunately just for this film, which is Precisely what transpired..and more.

Mom Joost as well as Ariel Schulman, the same administrators that will does PA3, are generally cut back just for this motion picture in order to to be the same miracle that created the past one. Not planning to rest, these people did staying brand-new ways to view your video cameras this time when using the Apple iphones, MacBooks, along with the Xbox 360 system Kinect motion lights. Even so, various other next that will, the video merely comes level. Literally Nothing at all is situated this specific movie, before the last 15 minutes. I imply I’m not planning to sit, the tension remains, yet it’s absolutely nothing all of us haven’t affecting the 1st three videos. You are usually basically utilized to the idea by now, also it will start to get not function before long.
anne featherton within Paranormal Activity 4 four 500x281 Paranormal Activity 4 several: Evaluation

In case your wondering, YES, Katie Has returned in all your ex had fame for this follow up. Individually, I’ve acquired the largest crush on her behalf considering that the very first video, ultimately because of those knockers she's got. Nevertheless, she actually is just in 5 displays, and also tastes your ex views have been only to display all of the demonic forces which she has now considering that Toby the particular demon offers your ex owned or operated. I really didn’t like the method that they employed the woman's character on this movie, and I was really sort of let down with that. After only two prequels and a bunch of flashbacks, they could did the girl figure Better.

Issue a truth, in addition to Alex along with Benjamin, generally there really wasn’t Simply no character growth. In the initial 3 films, we have got the opportunity to have in mind the total solid regarding heroes, we all even had a possiblity to get acquainted with the particular satan a little bit and also it’s reasons to perform just what it’s performing. In this place, we could truly give a flying fuck with regards to any of the personas aside from the two main personas as well as Robbie. Plus the actual judgement is simply amazing, exactly why the Bang could you accept watch over someones little one you only Rarely understand? Also there is the arena with this motion picture where Alex demonstrates your ex father video clips of a shadowy determine fly throughout the photographic camera, along with the simply issue he states is actually, “That’s awesomeParanormal Activity 4”..smmfh… I basically quit on the logic behind why the girl ended up being recording every one of the stuff to begin with, simply because seriously presently there really was No reason at all on her behalf in order to film. In the first three or more films, the particular characters acquired reputable reasons about Exactly why these were filming, on this one there is no reason in any respect. However, in terms of these kind of Paranormal Activity 4 movies, merely throw the logic the screen.

Such as We stated previously, the final fifteen minutes is when crap truly will get heading and also the very last a few minutes happens when stuff Truly strikes the fan. BUT, that will closing really simply left much more questions to end up being responded to for an additional one. In my estimation, this particular ending genuinely appeared hurried, you undoubtedly didn’t can method every one of the crap which was taking place as well as before you decide to lastly perform, the film easily ends. When the lamps came out in the theatre, me as well as my friend merely sitting there along with mentioned, “What your shag simply occurred?” The particular concluding resulted in a undesirable style of my mouth for the reason that writers and administrators does the single thing in which displays the biggest signal that they must encapsulate some misconception. Without spoiling anything at all, lets only point out they hopped the actual shark. The tag line with this motion picture can be, “All the game has lead to this”, that my girlfriends can be misleading due to the fact all the exercise has lead to ANOTHER sequel.

On the whole I used to be actually dissatisfied with this video, along with our most detrimental anxieties for the franchise's truly does becoming reality. Hopefully while using up coming movie that's due out next year (It’s inevitable now), hopefully the particular business understands a fantastic climax to the collection that will depart your followers pleased. Recently they commenced the well-liked advertising campaign that remains the story and also ideally displays the actual course the particular series is certainly going. Other then that will, Let me do not delay- point out that PA4 will be the poorest one out of the entire series, and they actually do need to wrap it up.
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Search for sales in order to acquire inexpensive Paranormal Activity 4 that the children will love. Video clip local rental places are not faring properly nowadays. In the event you look, you will probably find videos shop that is going to close soon and find some fantastic deals upon Paranormal Activity 4 and also add-ons. Generally, the condition of the particular Paranormal Activity 4 disks is nice. Nevertheless, some may need cleansing before enjoying.


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If your little one becomes therefore disappointed within a game playing treatment that he actually starts to eyelash out, tell him that it is time to do something else with regard to awhile. Give him or her a stern period caution of a particular period of time, then take them from the Paranormal Activity 4 in favor of a brand new action to take. You may want to take a stroll using them or perhaps let them go for a ride a bike so that they may ignore the Paranormal Activity 4.

[url=http://watchparanormalactivity4s.metroblog.com]Watch Paranormal Activity 4[/url] The ESRB has generated the ranking census to be used upon all Paranormal Activity 4. For those who have very young children, search for Paranormal Activity 4 having an EC or even Early on The child years ranking. A relevant video Paranormal Activity 4 having a score regarding Elizabeth indicates the Paranormal Activity 4 is for everyone six and more mature. An E+10 ranking means the particular Paranormal Activity 4 is eligible for youngsters 12 and over. A Capital t ranking indicates the actual Paranormal Activity 4 is appropriate for thirteen years old and up. "M" (mature) ranked Paranormal Activity 4 tend to be for individuals that are in least 17 years of age. AO signifies Grownups Simply; RP signifies that the ranking will be pending.

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Provide you with upward as well as maneuver around occasionally whenever actively playing Paranormal Activity 4. Beware of getting overly addicted to Paranormal Activity 4 since there can be undesirable wellness results. Exercising a Paranormal Activity 4 and actively playing it must be held entertaining. If you think you could have a dependency to some Paranormal Activity 4 and you believe it is inhibits your lifetime, talk to your doctor about this.

If you plan to get utilized Paranormal Activity 4, grab a disc-cleaning kit as well. Who knows what sort of form your Paranormal Activity 4 will be in choosing this. Ensure you make use of this cleaning kit to be sure the disks work well, even when they may be filthy. Look around for top kinds. You will find diverse manufacturers and has of each and every kit.

Constantly try beginner setting before the other folks. If that's simple, enjoy a tougher function. Once you enjoy through when about novice, you will discover it is possible to enjoy by means of over a more difficult establishing as well as overcome the actual Paranormal Activity 4 a lot more very easily, getting all of the achievements you want to struck.

Take into account getting your youngsters Paranormal Activity 4 about units rather than computer systems. On units, you can observe what they're carrying out and may much better manage content as well as privateness configurations. You cannot constantly do this on the computer. With a console system along with allowed safety, level of privacy and also content material settings, you child can remain risk-free while enjoying Paranormal Activity 4.

A single write-up cannot cover all there is to know about Paranormal Activity 4. With good fortune, the minds introduced on this post are going to assist you in regards to Paranormal Activity 4. The next time you have to take a rest and relax, try out playing your favorite Paranormal Activity 4Paranormal Activity 4
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To get the full expertise, I noticed I needed to determine the show with other people. Perhaps a great night time discharge. My partner and i strategically selected my personal couch in order that on the sides there'd end up being sets of women. Stereotypically females yell a lot more at films, therefore if these people shout, I might shout too. Whatever it takes.

Watch Paranormal Activity 4 online? takes place concerning five-years after the occasions associated with PA1/PA2. Katie acquired taken her sister’s youngster, Seeker, murdered everyone in their course, and also vanished not to be observed again. The good news is we have been inside Nevada, using a new family.

Alex (Kathryn Newton) is the common adolescent woman, but life inside a huge, wealthy residence. Mac notebook computers everywhere. The lady really offers hitched mothers and fathers (Stephen Dunham, Alexondra Lee), nevertheless they combat a great deal and might get divorced. You realize, should they survive. The lady also has a more youthful sibling, Wyatt (Aiden Lovekamp) who's pretty typical.

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Watch Paranormal Activity 4 online? turned out to be a pretty diverse animal than the prior three motion pictures. The technology used will be ramped upwards, they change many of the subtle scares with increased noise-based rumbles and also shadowy statistics, as well as the principal persona can be a adolescent woman as opposed to several adults. A few might state that exchanging a lot of the delicate frightens is practically the dumbing-down of the movie series, no longer rewarding the observant viewer, as well as yeah, I would agree with which.

But I 'm a lot more annoyed that the main personality, who has all of this actual evidence to be with her personal computer only once tries to demonstrate to her parents and obtain some type of solution within the works. Particularly will be the car/garage landscape. It’s like they will made a decision to set up digital cameras to be able to document for months and then, you understand, by no means check them out again.
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